Wednesday, May 23, 2012

La Vie Boheme

Good morning everyone! The week is already half way over! Woohoo!

I just thought I'd write to you all since again... it's been a while.  Last time I wrote I was on a train coming back from New York.  Since then I have been back and forth a few times between shows.  It was so nice seeing Grant and Matt so much and getting a few things done in the city.  I had a big audition for a new TV show airing in the summer so we will see how that goes... not going to lie though I'm still thinking about what would have happened with DUETS.  Jennifer Nettles would have been a joy to work with!

During the audition/interview I had this weekend however we talked a lot about you all!  One of the things they asked me was to talk about my supporters.  I told them how I can sing whatever my heart feels in the moment (whether it's a hard rock song like Evanessance or a Broadway song like "I Can't Say No") and you all still support me and follow my work, which is so amazing!  We talked about how my life is different in Minnesota than New York or Pennsylvania.  I told them that when I'm in PA I'm a country singer, when I'm in New York I seem to be more of a pop/rock girl, and oddly when I'm in Minnesota I'm a Broadway girl.  They laughed because who would think that it would've turned out that way?  One would think... PA- Pop/Rock, MN- Country, and NY- Broadway.  I think that it's all mixed up this way because when I'm away from one place I like to take it with me through song (and I'm in a country show in PA haha). But no really... when I'm in MN I miss NY, when I'm in PA I miss MN, ect.  I sing what I feel and they seemed to love that answer because that's not what your average performer is... they all have a genre.  We'll how it all goes though =) (Hands FOLDED!)

While I was out in New York this past weekend it was absolutely gorgeous, accept for Monday it rained cats and dogs all day long!  Stupid me... I was wearing sandals.  At the finish of my busy day I think I must have slipped or moved my foot the wrong way because I started feeling this awful pain in my right foot.  Well it turns out I must have pulled or bruised something!  I have been off it as much as possible, trying to ice it on and off, but it's difficult when you have a show to perform.  It is feeling much better today and I think by the end of he week I should be able to dance on it again.  AMT had to modify some of the dance numbers and my parts within them just for these few days while I watch over it... they are incredibly accommodating!

Most of my time lately though has been running back and forth to NY, auditions, and shows.  I really need to record a video sometime soon but I do have a video from back in high school going up soon! As soon as I post it you all will be the first to know!  I will also get a video up of a short song in the show I am currently in!

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week! Talk to you all soon!


Ps. I'm trying to finally hit 10,000 views on these videos so if you haven't seen them yet or want to re-watch them please do!  I always appreciate your support and love!  xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know about Duets, how do you keep it all together, my strong lady? I'm glad about your trips back and forth to NY. Keep strong. xoxo
