Sunday, March 25, 2012


Wow! It has been over a week since I wrote! I'm sorry :-( I need to stay on this!

This past week and a half has been absolutely cray cray!

Due to all the pressure and stress I've been under, I stopped working out for a few days and started eating crappy again (yea yea... I know).  But I'm getting back on again tomorrow! (Or at least I'll try! haha)

I had a few callbacks here and there, working with some new, incredible people.  I also made it to the final 14 for the Scott Alan "I'm A Star" Contest.  I am so incredibly honored to be a part of such a fun, talented group of people.

In fact, I had lunch with two of them today (and a few more friends!) Stefani and Paul, two incredibly beautiful people!  It's just so refreshing to meet people who are so talented, yet so down to earth.  I really appreciated them taking the time out of their busy lives to grab a bite and just to get to know each other a little bit.  I know this is just the beginning of a new friendship with both of them and I wish them nothing but success and happiness in this industry and wherever the road takes them.

If that wasn't enough, I met Michael Buckley on Friday evening at the Digitour concert in NYC!  What a gorgeous person! Inside and out!  Seriously, the man has a sunshine smile and you can just tell from first impression that he is the sweetest man!  He did such a great job hosting the concert! Everyone literally was OBSESSED with HIM! (myself included).  Such a great personality and such a fun person!

All of these people are fun, amazing people!  I honestly, still cannot believe Scott Alan, Michael Buckley and all of these other amazingly talented people have watched my video!  It's such an honor to think that these incredibly successful people who have plenty of things going on in their lives, took time out to sit a watch 540 videos.  That right there shows how incredible these people are. Giving up their own personal time to do something like this is just so kind and I am so grateful (as are the rest of the top 13) for an opportunity such as this.

If you haven't please check out this Article in Playbill!

Also, be sure to watch the Top 14 Submission Videos!  They're not only talented... they're kind and caring people with so much to give to this industry and this world!

Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue to keep you in mine.

I love you all and hope you all have a wonderful start to the week!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pasta and Ice Cream and Fries... Oh My!

Good afternoon everyone! I hope everyone had a nice work day.  We're half way through the week!  Does anyone feel like this week is dragging?  I certainly do!
Well... this week I began an intensive workout routine and a pretty strict calorie/fat diet to prepare for an upcoming audition.  I want to feel my best and look my best, and so far... it's working!  I've been doing around an hour to an hour and a half of cardio every day (treadmill, stair master, etc) and every other day I do weight lifting (legs and arms).  Since school ended I have really lost my flexibility, but I forgot how quickly I get it back only after a few stretching routines.  I've been sleeping much better since I began working out, however, I lack energy beginning at around 4 in the afternoon which isn't good either.  I do miss eating whatever I want, but that also isn't a realistic option in my life considering I don't have the metabolism of a 16 year old, teenage boy (like my boyfriend and brother have *lucky jerks*).  I really have to work at what I get, like many of us women (and even some men) have to, but in the end, it's well worth it.  It's just a matter of getting a routine together and sticking to it.

Routine has never really been my problem though... the eating has been!  I find that I love fatty foods (most of us do!).  Seriously... anything bad for me, I LOVE to eat.  I have to make sure to start eating healthier: lean meats, fruits, and veggies.  My weakness however are ... CARBS! and SWEETS!  Give me a bowl of pasta and a bowl of ice cream and I will eat them... together! (no no I'm just kidding, not together, but I will eat them both... and leave no left overs).  

I have to admit though... half of the reason I eat so terribly most of the time is because I am always on the go!  I never have time to make food at my apartment, so I'm constantly eating fast food, take out or at restaurants.

Anybody have any tips on how to stay on the right path to healthy eating?  Perhaps you know of healthy places to eat or low cal/fat foods at fast food restaurants?  I could use any encouragement and tips!  Let me know!


Friday, March 9, 2012

My Temporary Home Away from Home

Good morning and happy Friday to you all! I hope you have fun or relaxing plans for the weekend.  Matt and I just returned from Boston and had the most wonderful time!  Sadly Joan's trip was cut short, but she was so kind as to let us stay and enjoy the city for the remainder of the week.

Boston reminds me of a mixture of places, which is why I think I loved it so much.  It reminded me of the pretty parts of downtown Minneapolis and St. Paul, mixed with the Financial District (the brick/cobblestone streets) and a little of California (maybe just because the weather was so nice and we were at an outdoor mall).

We had a blast though... we went shopping, walked along the water, had amazing food, walked the freedom trail, and saw some unforgettable monuments.  It was a trip I will always remember.

Something amazing that I had to let you all know is that I booked a show in Pennsylvania at the American Music Theatre.  The how is called "Country Classics" and it is a country music revue!  I'm super excited because this is a genre that everyone has told me to give a try and finally I'm going to see how it fits on me.

Rehearsals begin early April and the show runs from the very beginning of May through June 30th.  If you happen to be in the Lancaster/Philadelphia area, please come and see it!

The theatre is 1,600 seats, and is absolutely gorgeous!  And the people have been so incredibly kind.  I'm just excited to be on stage again and meeting new people.  It will be my new home away from home!

Anyways, I hope you all have fabulous weekends!  Wanted to keep you all posted! Love you all!


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Youtube with a slice of Boston Cream Pie

Happy Sunday to you all! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Well I have had quite the week!  First off... I finally reached my goal of 1 Million views on my Youtube Channel in under a year!  I'm super excited and hope you will all take a look at the videos if you have a chance.  (Click Here for Honey's Youtube Channel)

Another exciting thing is that I am taking a fun little trip to Boston this week!  I've only been there once before, but it was only an over night experience.  This time I will have the pleasure of being with my boyfriend and best friend in the world, Matt Hoerl, and his lovely step mom, Joan!  It's never a dull moment when she is around and I am so excited to be seeing the city with two people I love so much!  I let you know how the first time experience goes.  Anybody have any suggestions as to what we could do for fun?

I have much more to fill you all in on in a few days, but for now I have to go to dinner. Love to you all! Have a wonderful evening and a great week! xoxo
