Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Sunday!

This is a quick reminder about a few things that are going on in my random life.

If you are in NYC February 24th be sure to come to The Duplex for "The Hills Are Alive!" benefit concert!  Click Here!  For details about the show.  It's going to be an amazing time.  

Also, if you haven't taken the time out to look at this, please do.  It would mean so much to me and to the cast of "The Hills Are Alive!"  Anything helps truly.  Kickstarter "The Hills Are Alive"

If you also have not seen my Twitter, Website, or Facebook Page be sure to check them out/follow/friend me!  I always love staying in contact with you!

Now that that is all out of the way... it's Grant's (my brother) birthday this week! My Mom is coming in town on Wednesday to celebrate with all of us and spend some quality time with Grant.  In the meantime I have another full week of auditions and random things to get done.  Wish me luck!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday! God is good!


Thursday, January 26, 2012


Today has been an interesting week! I started out on Monday doing absolutely nothing! haha... I literally laid in bed all day, hung out with my brother and watched The Bachelor (yes... The Bachelor... do not judge ;-P).

Tuesday and Wednesday were crazy with auditions.  Sadly, even though both days were dedicated to auditions I was only seen at one! Oh well... hopefully things work out better tomorrow.

Now today is my "off day"... but guess what I started doing yesterday?  WORKING OUT! Yes! Aren't you proud of me?  I already feel a little better!  And today I am going again. So woo hoo! Take that new years resolutions (only a month late :-/ )

Click Here for Twitter
Anyways... I was on Twitter last night looking at who most of my followers are and oh my gosh!... most of my followers aren't even from the United States, which is incredible!  Most are from Brazil or Argentina! I think this is sooo cool and so much fun to get to know people who are from different places in the world.  I've always wanted to go somewhere else in the world and explore the rich cultures of different countries.  Hopefully one day I will!  In the meantime, let's see if I can get as many U.S. followers!

Click Here for Twitter Page!

That's all for right now my friends!  Have a wonderful day!


Monday, January 23, 2012

"Safe and Sound"


Well a new week has begun and guess what I did over the weekend (that I am extremely proud of myself for doing)???... I made a new VIDEO!  Seriously everyone... this is a huge accomplishment for me!  I usually follow through on what I plan on doing or what I say I am going to do, but I didn't even think I'd last a week with this new years resolution!  I mean I didn't start my working out yet so why would this be any different?

Please check it out!

I have a line up of auditions this week so please say extra prayers for me.  I'm praying that something comes my way soon. Sometimes I wake up and think... "why am I doing this"?  Putting myself through a life of instability both emotionally and financially.  But then I remind myself what it feels like to sing a song or be in a show and I no longer have to ask myself that question.

That is honestly the reason why I make these youtube videos... because it's the only way I can perform for people who want to see me perform.... at least for right now.  So I thank all of you who have been watching and supporting the videos I have been putting up on youtube.  Trust me, it doesn't go unnoticed.

I hope you all have a wonderful start to the week and I hope you'll take the time out to watch "Safe and Sound".


Thursday, January 19, 2012

**Pat on the Back** & a Featured Video!

So I feel like I've made some progress today! After 4 months I finally signed up for a Television/Film class!  My agent told me that I really need to take one class just to get the hang of how to audition for film/tv and I finally did it!  *Pat on the back*

Some other cool news... A new music website was kind enough to feature me as one of their newest Break Out Hit Artists! If you click on the link you can see me singing "I Have Nothing" by the incredible Whitney Houston! If you have time please share, like, "thumbs up" the video.  

Other than that I am excited to spend a night in with my two best buds (Grant & Matt), making a delicious pasta dish and researching open mic nights in NYC.  I want to try going to a few places a week and just singing to random audiences.  I think it would be good for me, rather than sitting on my bum watching american Idol or Modern Family.  

Gotta run!  Love you all!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An interesting start of the week...

For some reason I keep feeling like it's Thursday?... weird.

Anywho... guess what I didn't do?... I didn't start working out yet this week you guys!  This is so bad! I told myself I was going to start on Monday, but all hell broke lose! I'm not even kidding you! I woke up at 5:30am to go to a "Spring Awakening" call, sat around until 11 and was told they were NOT seeing non-equity members.  Sadly I am one of those people who were not seen.  I was the very first person there and didn't get seen.  If that wasn't enough, I went the next day and I was typed out! Boo them!

Oh well that's ok... I got a callback for an Opry Theatre down in Tennessee.  Could ya'll see me down in Tennessee?  I COULD! Nice, hot weather.  Friendly people talking with their cute accents!  Something I could definitely get used to!  Hopefully good things come from that so please pray for me!

Another cool thing that happened this week was that I had an interview with Lucas Perroni.  He is the writer for a website/gossip online magazine called "Teenage Connection", which is located in Brazil.  I thought having an international interview was pretty darn cool if I do say so myself!  Here is the link if you'd like to take a look at it.  I know a few people have used google translation to read it because it's in Portuguese. =)

And finally... I'm coming up on making another video here over the weekend, but my goal for the rest of this week is to try and hit 1 MILLION views for my video "Love On Top".  If you could take the time out and watch it again (or first the first time if you haven't already seen it) I would be so incredibly grateful.

I will keep you all posted on more to come this week/end.

My eyes are burning from my contacts, have to go take them out! Love ya'll!


Sunday, January 15, 2012


Well this has been one heck of a week!  It all started out with the auditions for the theatre in PA, which went just lovely!  There were a few other auditions here and there and a couple of callbacks.

But what was really great about this weekend was that I finally got a new video up on youtube (the image is absolutely horrid! =))! It's been about 2 months since I last posted one and I am happy to say that I am back on track with posting videos!  If you haven't seen it yet, please check it out!  The song is called "Domino" and it is by an amazing artist from the UK.  Her name is Jessie J and she truly is an inspiration.  Talk about talent... this girl can SANG!

This week is looking good in my world!  I'm going to a bunch of auditions, but more importantly... I'm beginning my exercise routine, which I truly believe will push me harder and motivate me, not only in the gym, but ... well... in life!  I'll let you know how it goes!  For tonight... I am eating as much junk food as I can to get it all out of my system before the "healthier eating" begins.

While eating my junk food, I plan on watching the Green Bay Packers/ New York Giants game.  I hope the Packers take it! I love the QB Aaron Rodgers! He seems like such a sweet, down to earth guy.

Anyways, here's to a happy week ahead!  Cheers!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

“Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best.”

As most of you know, I am a perfectionist... especially when it comes to what I love most... PERFORMING!  Whenever I rehearse I always make sure to pick a part each little line, note, move, etc to make sure that what I am doing is nothing short of my best.  Yes at times I can be lazy, but I just make sure to get back on it the next day and tackle it even harder!

So today I had my audition for a theatre company in Pennsylvania.  The show I was aiming for was "The Sound of Music" because I figured one of the Von Trapp children's roles would suit me best.

As I walked into the room, everyone was so friendly and welcoming.  As I prepared to sing my song, I took a deep breath and literally imagined the surroundings in the audition room blooming into the setting of my song.  I saw: flowers all over the place, vines, a garden, and a dark, rusted gate.  Blue skies, blue birds, a bumble bee, and a spider's web tangled in the corner of the rusted fence.  As I imagined all of these little details about where I was, I thought about what I truly wanted, and all of a sudden... my mouth opened and I was singing the first note of the song.

I have sung this song hundreds of times for auditions, however, this time when I sang it, it was different.  By living in the world that surrounded me, rather then pretend to be in this world, I felt like every emotion I evoked was genuine and true.  I didn't have to "try", I just had to "be".

Some songs I have this connection with automatically, and I am so happy to say that today was the first time I truly felt it with this one.  I cannot wait until the next time I get to sing it!

If that wasn't enough, they wanted to hear more (a song that showed off my belt... which you all know I LOVE to do!), which I hope is a good sign? :-/ We'll see!

I guess my point is... sometimes you just need to let all of the work you've done speak for itself and let it go!  I've been in school long enough to know most ins and outs of how to perform a song, monologue, etc.  So I guess what I need to do now is simply "Practice as if I am the worst, and perform as if I am the absolute best!"

With that ray of confidence and trust in the work I have done, I hope to give a stellar performance both in the audition room and on stage!

Hope you all have a wonderful evening! Off to babysit the sweetest little girl ever!


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flyin' High

So I'm sitting on a plane right now, mid flight and I thought I would write to you all.

Guess what happened to me yesterday?... Well I got a call in for 2 shows... one is "Hairspray", the other is "The Sound of Music".  I love both shows, but can honestly say I am not as familiar with Hairspray as I should be.  I'm sitting on the plane right now learning the three songs and all the sides that were emailed to me.  I hope I can get it all learned by Friday.  HAPPY THOUGHTS!

Not only did I get news about these two calls, but yesterday I went to the doctor to see why I have been feeling dizzy lately... well the doctor said it may be due to my ears.  So after looking in both of them she suggested I buy an ear kit to cleanse my ears.  To my surprise I found myself with one deaf ear before I went to bed last night.  It turns out I moved around some skin inside and it got pack up into my ear drum.

So this morning my wonderful mother drove me to the doctor to get my ears checked out.  My dad met us there and after spending about 2 hours at the office, the doctor finally used a tool to go all the way down into my ear to scrape around the ear drum and remove packed in wax.

It was so painful and I literally was on edge the entire time!  I never realized how incredibly sensitive our ears are... and even more, how extremely grateful I am for something as simple as hearing.  I cried last night because I was afraid I wouldn't get it back.  Thankfully with prayers all turned out well!

So that was my scary night!  I'm getting ready to land back in New York right now... they're asking us to turn our computers off.  Have a wonderful day! Talk to ya'll soon!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

New Years Resolutions...

Hello my friends!

I know it has been a loooong time, but I am back and on track!

So get this... I have made a few new years resolutions.  I know all of you may be laughing because, well... hey... we all know how long those can last (aka not very long).  But I have decided to set a few goals for myself:
 - Blog at least 3-4 times/week
 - Exercise at least 3-5 times/week
 - Go out more often
 - Make a video once a week

I've realized that blogging is a wonderful way for me to relive stress, organize myself and my thoughts, and reach out to people!  Therefore, why not do something for myself that makes me feel better AND is FREE!

Now the exercise bit is interesting... for the past 4 months since I graduated from college I have been without a gym membership.  Lord knows how expensive they are in Manhattan, but thankfully I have an amazing boyfriend who knew exactly what I wanted and got me a membership.  If that's not enough, he got one too! So no I got myself a workout buddy!

Going out more often seems like an odd resolution, however, after constantly working on projects, auditioning, and managing the crazy life I live, I figured I need to make a commitment to see friends more often and just enjoy the fact that I live in New York City!

All of these resolutions are just a way to try and better myself and my life.  I hope I can do it!

However, before I do, I am going to finish enjoying my vacation at home with my family and friends!  Once I get back to the concrete jungle I will be giving it my all!

Happy thoughts!
